My training background 

- 200 hours certified yoga training - Yogalife

- 300 hours certified yoga training - Sattva Yoga Academy

- Coach (Co-active, ORSC, Kingstown college)

-  3 years of studying Ayurveda

- Teacher's training Mindfulness

- Certified Positive Intelligence PQ coach

- Participatory leadership  

- Leadership flowgame

Your teacher - Simone Rave

My path

I started yoga about 20 years ago. Since then my curiosity and hunger to learn more about both the Eastern and Western approach to life has never stopped.

I am trained and worked as a coach and trainer on authentic leadership and accompanied meditations

I felt however increasingly drawn to the enormous wisdom coming from the yogic teachings. In 2017 I became certified yoga teacher with Yogalife. In the years after I went deeper into experiencing the teachings of several masters such as Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and Sadhguru.

It was however only after a challenging period in my own life that I discovered the teaching of Anand Mehrotra at the Sattva Yoga Academy. His integrated approach to yoga based on the Himalayan yogic tradition and vedic scriptures have been truely life changing for me. The approach makes use of different techniques such as pranayama, kriya, asana, mantra's, mudra's to calm down the nervous system, help to better self regulate emotions, calm down the mind and increase life energy. After passing the 300 hours Yoga TTC I want to pass on this incredible knowledge and experience to others to improve their quality of life and fully express their true authentic self.